Monday 7 May 2012

God is not into visiting us ; He wants to invade our lives!

Hey guys, it's Malene here again. I thought I'd just bless you guys with a lil post I wrote earlier

‘’ These glasses are for the visitors, no one touches them!’’ sounds familiar?
Y’all know what it’s like when you have visitors. I mean you clean up the whole house; you get rid of the sand paper and put real toilet paper in the bathroom
Because the visitors are coming, you buy biscuits and if the kids dare to touch it they’re dead because it’s for the visitors. You tell the kids to put on their best behaviors and all that for the visitors. Once the visitors are gone it’s back to world war 3 again in the house!!
Well maybe my introduction was a bit too much or i was exaggerating but you ,guys ,all know when you receive or you parents are expecting important visitors: you suddenly turn into an Angel of the Lord!! Hallelujah can I get a witness... just one??
The thing about visitors is that you know exactly when they are coming, you are expecting them and they always call before visiting. They also never stay for too long before you know it they are gone.
Let’s take a look at this verse in John 1: 14 (msg) : The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.
The bible says that the word moved into the neighborhood,
You see when someone is coming to invade your life they don’t call and let you know ,they just come and take full control.
Some of us Christians are like: “God, you take control of my life on Sunday I take care of my life from Monday to Saturday; God, you take control of my spiritual life I take control of my secular life! You take care of my kids during Sunday school I do the parenting the rest of the week!
My friend, God wants to have full control of your life. He is not a visiting God; He is a life filling, invading, hope giving, and life transforming God!
Some of us have been Christians for quite a long time and still feel like our lives haven’t changed much since we were born again and saved.
You see this is because we do not want to totally surrender our lives to Him, not For God to control us but for Him to transform us.
John continues in this verse describing Jesus as being Generous inside and out true from start to finish! Just by reading this I am already captivating by this One-of-a-Kind God’s son. I want someone like Him to not just visit but to invade my life so that I can be made just like Him: generous, true from start to finish…
I am writing this just to tell you how I once was thinking that God only was visiting my life and never really wanted to stay for long, oh how I was wrong!
As a result of that whilst being a Christian I settled only for a once a week God encounter every Sunday I’ll go to church and the rest of the week I’ll be doing my own thing, ruling my own life, I was my own Boss well at least I thought I was,
But I was wrong, for sin was in fact the boss of me!
Something in me, you see, was still empty I wanted to encounter God for myself and have a deep relationship with Him but I didn’t know how to formulate my desire into a prayer. How I really wanted to experience the Jesus that I have heard so many other Christians testify about every Sunday. I also wanted to have a testimony.
But praise be to God, as I couldn’t reach out to him and cry out, He instead stretched His hand towards me and reached out to me. Instead of giving me a testimony He made my life a living testimony.
Now as I lay my life down daily as a living sacrifice to Him not only has He invaded my entire life, He has transformed me into a new being.
My friend today God is knocking at the door of your hearts for some of you wanting you to let him in so He can invade you,
For others you might have let Him in but only gave him a portion of your life. For example, someone gives you a house. The person says I give you complete ownership of the house but you realize that he only has given you the keys to the living room and locked every other room in the house!! This is exactly how God feels in your life. He feels left out. He wants to be part of your daily life; He wants to be your partner in this life and why not in eternity!
God doesn’t want to visit your life my friend, He wants to invade your life 24/7 and come bring change and transformation and that only happens in a special place.
It is a place where you are willing to lay down your life as a living sacrifice, where you lay everything at the altar
Where you recognize that on your own you can do nothing but with God you can do all things!
Some of us are in a certain place where there is hurt, pain, discomfort, challenge, and unforgiveness let me tell you that nothing is ever too big for our God. Impossible is not in His vocabulary.
Let God get into that dark place and bring healing, restoration, life and liberty.
That place is where you are now, in your church in you house in your university in your circle of friends in your ministry and we often don’t like that place cause it’s uncomfortable. We wish our lives were different but you have to understand that the pathway to your destiny is often paved with discomfort, inconvenience, obstacles, challenges and hurdles and in order to fulfill what God has for us there are obstacles, challenges that we need to face but we do not need to get stressed out about them because Jesus said He has overcome the world!
Don’t walk out on that place; don’t leave the place where God has planted you.
Allow God to be God in your life. Don’t detest that place and turn around and acknowledge Him in that place. In your darkest, driest hour He is there.
We serve a God of incredible love, incredible mercy the One who says that He has a place in His kingdom for you and me.. Stop thinking ‘man I am not good enough for God,” you know what none of us are’.  It’s about Him and how amazing He is, how he wants to invade your life.
And I believe that for some of us, the first place we have to take it’s the place where we put Jesus first in our life. Not where you have a religious encounter once a week on a Sunday but where you put Him in the right place in your life and everything else will fall into place in your life.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Getting Over Your Ex & Heartbreak

Hey girls, it's Malene here :D 
Malene- Public Relations Officer

This is just a post based on our last video called " getting over your ex and heart break"
and without further ado I’m going straight to the point( sounded like a teacher, lol)

Firstly, I want to tell you ladies that you were created by God and for God and only Him can fill any need in you. 
you were created for a purpose that is to  'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence'(mat 22:37-40 msg bible)

Sometimes as humans we get into some situations and things don’t  always go our way so we try to get out of them. We fight with our own strength and find it difficult to come out.
So I’m going to go through two main reasons why we girls sometimes find it really hard to get over our ex and heart break even when we know for sure that the other sex has wronged us; yet we still find ourselves going back to the same place.

1. Unforgiveness : this a very dangerous thing that can hold us captive and slowly kills us if we do not deal with it. Our sister Nickella used a god example to portrait unforgiveness she said it is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die instead.  It is a spiritual poison that enemy often uses to softly kill us and without even us knowing it!!

Whatever grudge that you are holding on to,  please release it my friend and Forgive. I know it is not easy to.
 I'll give you another example the Bible tells that we should be like children in a way such as when you upset a kid they cry, weep, moan but they do not hold grudge against the person who offended them. The next minute they come running back to them even after all the crying and drama they did. This how we should also be, like a child; try to forgive and to love our neighbours even our enemies. 
Be careful not to try to do this on your own, as good as our intentions are , our human nature will always fail us for it can not forgive. We need to ask God to help us forgive and break any stronghold that we may have. that's why it is good sister to have a relationship with the Lord; for you see when you are in Christ you become a new person and you bare the fruits of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, self-control... forgiveness opens doors for you to get closer to the father. 

2. Breaking attachments: how many of you know how painful it is to break up with someone? I mean you literally cry your heart out. Can someone please testify with me here lol
We might be willing to move on, what if we have forgiven the person but we find ourselves attached to them and can not let go of them because we are scared, thinking we have so much to lose?
Let me tell you something; everything happens for a reason, if God takes a person away from you it is because it has a better one in store for you.
Our sister Benedicte said something that really spoke to my heart and which I never thought of whilst being a Christian and that is : to plead the blood of Jesus Christ and break the attachment. 
I can not emphasise enough on how important it is for you to have a relationship with the Lord which is far more worth than having every man bowing at your feet.( literally)

After you have broken the attachment, the string that was holding you back on your journey is broken. Now my friend you can carry on, in your walk. another step closer to the Lord, He is waiting for you start moving forward before it reveals his grace, love, glory, and power in and through you.

Now, I'm going to give you some practical tips to help during this season of your life.
The first thing is if you find yourself attached to the person maybe you should consider to stop being  on the phone with him till like 4am in the morning. Sounds silly, but it’s a trap many of us fall into.
Things like Facebook stalking will not help you to get over him, it will just push you to do the opposite.
Texting him things like “I still miss you" when what you really want is a way to not feel the same toward the person. All these things are things that we overlook, but in fact it’s the small steps you take that bring you that step closer to totally getting over him!

One thing I wanted to remind us of is to use wisdom,  to ask the Lord to help in our decision
again the Bible says lean not on your own understanding, but trust the Lord .
He created you so He knows what is best for you, I believe the Lord has so much in store for us ladies. We are the apple of His eyes, and He desires to protect us.
He wants our attention turn towards Him and Him alone.
So if you feel like the Lord is taking people away from you or like no one understands you it is because He desires to be your everything.
We serve a God who will only work through once you surrender and give everything unto Him. He has plans to prosper us and trust your Daddy in heaven to bring to you the present and that is a man worthy enough to deserve the princess you are.

As I am bringing this to an end, I would like to use this opportunity to tell you sister that if you haven't already made the Lord Jesus Christ you everything then what are you waiting for? I know one thing that He is sitting at the edge of His seat waiting for you to invite Him, to spend life with and for you to know Him personally. And that is sister the best decision you can ever make in your entire life!!

God bless you. If you ever need to talk or some advice: email us at or call our advice line: 07949988078 

Wednesday 12 October 2011

The greatest name (Names of God)

Hi guys, I would like to share a poem with you about some names of God found in the bible. 
his is just to show you how amazing God is and the fact that He truly is our everything. 
No matter what We might be facing, let's remember who He says He is in his word and grab a hold of it to speak into our situations. Breathe.....Read......and Be blessed

I pray that anyone who is reading this be abundantly blessed
written by Malene Fumany, a member of christian chickz

Listen guys, I'm gonna take you into an amazing journey
Our adventure into the names of God begins here...
El or if you prefer the english way "God".
You are one and yet three, Elohim.
You appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as The God Almighty or should I say El-Shaddai. You are all sufficient.
Now, getting a little bit personal. Let me introduce you to Him as 
El-Emet, the God of truth, who can be completely trusted with every aspect of your life and he will never fail you .
And Without getting too emotional...
from superman to batman, not to mention the fantastic four 
These are the characters we all wish we could portray in real life. But as powerful as they are, they're nothing compared to our heroic God, 
El-Gibbor, the mighty God
He rises up and dramatically defeats the bad guys. 
He rises up at the right time and does the right thing.
David described you as El-Yeshuati, the God of my salvation
To me,
El-Sela: you are my rock.
Most important, you have not looked at my sins but you forgave them;
You showed me that you are:
El-Nasa, the God who forgives,
Christ died upon the cross for my sin and shame, he paid the ultimate price.
You saw my heartache, my affliction and listened to my cry
For me you became, El-Roi: the God who sees me
I choose to worship you alone and no other gods,
For You are El-kanno, a jealous God, and a consuming fire.
As a matter of fact, no other god compares to you,
You are high and above all things.
From El-elyon, the most high God, to Jehovah, the self-existing God
The bible is full of names to describe your unique nature.
Creator of all things, you revealed yourself to Moses as YHWH, Yahweh
You are the great I AM...and I stand in awe of who you are.

Monday 4 July 2011

Money Management

As girls, we have a tendency to buy things we don’t need. I know for a fact that sometimes I look at my wardrobe and think “why did I even buy that, I never wear it”. I make myself feel better by saying; maybe I’ll wear it to a wedding knowing full well, I’m PROPER not going to wear it.
We impulse buy, lie that we’re window shopping (even though we fully brought our card out) and we’re tricked into buying things for 20% off not realizing that wisdom will tell you that 100% off is better. DON’T BUY IT ALL! Let’s face it girls, guys are better than us at saving money. As a woman of virtue and honour, a key aspect that you need to develop is how to budget and spend your money wisely.

Do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewal of your minds. This bible verse is so well known but do people really know what this means? The mindset of the world will tell you to buy so you can save. But think about it; does that even make sense?

Spending your money wisely doesn’t mean behaving stingy or not buying anything at all; after all money’s there to be spent. But spending money wisely means buying things that you need and not want. It means saving your money for things you want instead of borrowing. It also means learning how to be independent and not rely on others for money.

 So I have 7 quick tips that I feel will help your money go that extra bit further:

1.   1.   I’m at university, so I know how it feels to borrow money for school fees, loan or whatever. In some circumstances borrowing is inevitable.
The bible teaches us how to handle our money wisely. In fact
5. Proverbs 22:7 tells us that
“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender”
This is a figurative term meaning that when you borrow money you almost become a slave to the person who lent it to you as you must make efforts to give it back. We all know that feeling and it isn’t nice. Learn to borrow only in extreme circumstances. Even Romans 13:8 tells us “owe man nothing”

2.   2.   Give to God
Don’t expect God to help you if you refuse to bless him with a portion of your income. Whether that’s through the church you attend or through charity. Give to God. Proverbs 3: 9 tells us “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase.”

3.     3. Be content with what you have. One of the main reasons we over spend or buy things we don’t need is because we don’t appreciate what we have right in front of us. We constantly have that “I want more” attitude. Which leads you into spending money you don’t have, for things you don’t need. Timothy 6:6 tells us But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that”. We’re told to be content and glad with our current situation.

4.    4.  Set priorities. If you have rent to pay, it isn’t wise to go and buy yourself a pair of Kurt Geiger heels instead. Of course, if you have money for both then by all means go ahead. But obviously there are things that are more important than others. This is where wisdom comes into play and plain old common sense. A new pair of heels or behind in rent payments?

5.   5.   Create a savings account. Not only is this a wise way of piling your money up somewhere but is also a secure way of knowing that in case of emergencies you have some money that you can comfortable rely on. Proverbs 30:24 says that “there be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise: 25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.” God is saying the ants are wise because they prepare their meat in the summer ready for winter. If you know winter is expensive season for you; i.e a new winter coat, some new boots, or your mum’s birthday then start putting some money aside for it so that when the time comes, you are not suffering.

6.     6. Budget your income. Start shopping in places a little bit cheaper than usual. Markets are a great place to shop where you can look fashionable for half the price. The clothes I’m wearing right now are from a market warehouse where they sell clothes from high street shops, cut out the label and sell them as cheap as chips. Charity shops are cool as well because you can find vintage items as well as new season ‘must haves’. Sometimes as females, we want to look the best and can find ourselves in a competition to impress people who don’t even care about you.

7.   7.   PRAY!! Your financial situation will not sort itself out. Things won’t just fall into place. If you need a job, start applying. If you need to apply for Student Finance, then do it. Too many people pray for ‘financial stability’. I can’t stand it when I hear that. STABILITY means not moving! Pray for financial momentum so that you have the ability to keep generating money. Know what youre praying for. “Dear God, help my financial situation. Amen” NO! Say “Dear God, I know I owe Sara £250 but I ask for you to open a way so that I can her back. Bless me with a job, bless me with the drive and determination to go and find one. When employers see me, let them see your glory shining through me. Amen.”

All these are tips that I’m still learning and putting into practice. It takes a lot of hard work to make sure your finances are in check but as I said, it is the sign of a wise woman. Summer is a time when we have so much free time, use this as an opportunity to draw up a financial plan to keep you in credit!

I pray anyone that was reading this is abundantly blessed.
ANY questions; do not hesitate to contact us!!

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